Advance Cargo Express. Sustainability


Our corporate sustainability initiatives have an impact.

Incorporating sustainability into our business strategy is improving our performance and differentiating us among all of our stakeholders. There is a strong emphasis on the impact we have on the environment and society, as well as how we apply rigorous governance standards across our global operations. The goal is to maximize total value creation by leveraging responsible stewardship of all that has been entrusted to us in order to generate long-term, profitable growth.

Supplier Diversity

Our goal is to build a diverse supplier base that allows veterans, women, small businesses, and minority-owned businesses to contribute to our value creation process. Additionally, we think that having a diverse supplier base will enable us to compete and succeed for our local communities, staff, and customers.

Supplier Code of Conduct

When it comes to how we run our business, we uphold the highest standards. We have a long history of operating with integrity as a core value, and we expect the same from everyone with whom we work.

Code of Ethics

Our Code of Ethics establishes the foundation for our ethical behavior and provides guidelines for how we work. Additionally, it is based on these four principles of respect:

  • Respect for one another
  • Respect for Advance Cargo Express and its stakeholders
  • Respect for our clients, as well asย 
  • Respect for our communities
  • Whistleblower Protection

    Our company actively promotes an open culture in which employees, former employees, and others can express concerns or report violations or suspected violations of law or regulations without fear of retaliation or reprisal.

    Anti-corruption Policy

    Integrity, one of our guiding principles, is violated when ant-icorruption laws are not followed. Everyone at our company is required to fully understand the policy and, more importantly, to act in compliance with it.

    UN Global Compact

    We are a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and we are committed to incorporating these principles into our culture, strategy, and day-to-day operations.

    Our violence and Harassment-Free Workplace Policy

    A culture that values belonging so that all employees feel respected, safe, and valued.

    50 +
    Operating Countries
    72,000 +
    1,000 +
    16,000 +


    Regardless of the issue, our professionals are always available to you. We eagerly await your enquiry.